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EY Global Health Symposium – Dinners and logistics

I am pleased to write a reference for Nick and the exceptional collaborative efforts of Next Level DMC. Our recent project benefited greatly from their contributions, and I am delighted to recommend them.
Throughout our collaboration, Next Level DMC showcased a high level of professionalism, dedication, and a strong work ethic. The communication with the team was outstanding, with a particular highlight being the exceptional communication with Nick. His attention to detail and commitment to excellence were evident in every aspect of the project.
Nick consistently demonstrated a proactive approach to problem-solving, contributing innovative ideas that enhanced the overall quality of our collaboration. His commendable ability to work effectively within a team created a positive and productive working environment.
Moreover, Nick’s adaptability and resourcefulness were particularly valuable when faced with unexpected challenges. He remained calm under pressure, making well-informed decisions that helped navigate complexities and ensure the project’s success.

Yours Sincerely,
Vicki Haden – EY Global Health Sector Brand, Marketing and Communications Leader